Missouri Reverse Transfer

密苏里州反向转学是允许已经完成副学士学位学分的大学生或前大学生获得该学位的过程,即使他们已经转学到另一所学院或大学, or stopped out of higher education altogether.

Missouri has moved forward with a statewide policy to help more Missourians earn a degree. 有关密苏里州反向转移的更多详细信息,请查看 Missouri Department of Higher Education website.

What are the benefits?

  • Earn an associate's degree while pursuing your bachelor's degree
  • Possible career advancement with earned associate degrees
  • Qualify for more jobs
  • A degree can help you earn more money
  • 可能符合其他四年制转学机构的通识教育要求


学生必须在社区大学获得至少15个学分才有资格获得反向转学学位. 如果学生目前拥有副学士学位或更高学位,则没有资格参加该计划.

How does CMU help you with Reverse Transfer?


Frequently Asked Questions

What is reverse transfer?

反向转学是指允许已经完成副学士学位学分的大学生或前大学生获得该学位的过程,即使他们已经转学到另一所学院或大学, or stopped out of higher education altogether.

Who is eligible for reverse transfer?

学生必须在一所两年制院校获得至少15个学分,才有资格获得反向转学学位. 如果学生目前拥有副学士学位或更高学位,则没有资格参加该计划.

What degrees can be obtained through reverse transfer?




How do students participate in Missouri Reverse Transfer (MRT)?:

所有希望参加捷运的学生都必须“选择加入”该计划. By doing so, 学生同意在两个机构之间交换成绩单信息,并自动宣布为学位候选人.

Return the completed MRT Opt-in Application to your four-year institution's Registrar

Can students opt out of Missouri Reverse Transfer (MRT)?

If a student graduates from the host institution, 在接收院校不再被视为活跃学生(政策因院校而异), or self-identifies to be removed from the program, they are "opting out" of the MRT.


If MRT decisions are made that are not acceptable to the student, 他或她可以通过联系学位授予机构的衔接和转学官员提出上诉(指两年制机构,可转移学分最多的四年制机构)。.


学生通过捷运完成副学士学位没有时间限制. 只要学生在接收院校继续注册,他们将继续参加该项目.

What is the "degree-granting institution" (DGI)?

授予反向转学生副学士学位,并将学生统计在年度毕业报告中的机构是学位授予机构. 如果两个或两个以上的机构有相同数量的可转换学分到四年制机构, the most recently attended institution shall be the DGI. 如果此时仍有多个选择,学生将被要求提供他们的DGI偏好.

What is the "host institution"?

接收院校是将学分转回学位授予院校的院校. The host institution may be either a four-year or a two-year institution.

What is the responsibility of the host institution?

主办机构必须确定有资格获得密苏里州反向转学(MRT)的学生,并通知学位授予机构(DGI)学生参加该计划的愿望. 主办机构同意向学位授予机构免费提交所有必要的成绩单. 主办机构还必须监督和报告选择退出MRT的学生.

What is the responsibility of the degree-granting institution?

学位授予机构负责审查符合条件的密苏里州反向转学(MRT)学生的记录并授予学位. 他们需要提交一份最终成绩单,注明授予四年制主办机构,学生免费.

学位授予机构负责将学生排除在MRT计划之外, and providing any notifications and/or updates to the MRT student.

What is the reverse transfer process?

所有院校都将使用自动搜索来识别那些在单一院校学习了15个小时但从未获得学位的不活跃学生. 他们将联系这些学生,并向他们介绍密苏里州的反向转学项目.

选择参加MRT的学生的成绩单将由接收机构以电子方式发送给学位授予机构. 成绩单将在首次提交后按规定的时间间隔发送.g., annually). 成绩单的发布将按照主办机构的政策进行, 转学学分的接受情况由学位授予机构决定.

学位授予机构将确定完成学位的要求并通知学生. 鼓励授予学位的机构替代任何机构特有的课程要求, especially those that require a student to be physically present on campus.

When the degree is awarded by the degree-granting institution, 它将向四年制的主办机构发送一份官方成绩单,并注明授予.